Why your Field Service Management Software should be Cloud Based

  • IndustryInsight
  • Field Service Management Software has provided engineering and service maintenance businesses with a way of streamlining their operation.

    Using the software they can quickly allocate jobs, gather client information and complete forms in the field, however if the software isn’t Cloud based then you’re missing some key benefits.


    What does Cloud Based Software mean?

    Cloud based or Cloud Computing is the instant and on-demand availability of software programmes, data, services, storage and functionality without the need for direct connection to an in-house server.

    Essentially your server is on the internet and ‘in the cloud’ removing the need to manage your own hardware as it’s often hosted by a third party. The user can essentially access information in it’s most up-to-date status at any location providing they can connect to a network ‘in the cloud’.

    Gartner predicts the spending on cloud based services to grow to a total of almost $400bn by the end of 2022.


    Examples of Cloud Based Software and services

    One of the largest and most common providers of cloud computing solutions are AWS (Amazon Web Services).

    Most people interact with these services every day. From banking apps to Netflix and Amazon Prime. These services are able to instantly update their information and provide a secure platform because of Cloud Based technology.

    Gartner also says more that 85% of organisations will utilise cloud technology by 2025 and it’s difficult to imagine new products and services not taking a cloud-first approach.




    Dropbox &  WeTransfer

    Storage is a key reasons why businesses migrate to Cloud-based software platforms.

    Managing a storage server network of your own comes at considerable expense. You’ll need contracted or in-house support to ensure downtimes are kept to a minimum, the hardware is updated correctly and if it needs upgrading that comes at your expense.

    Dropbox and WeTransfer are able to offer cloud storage to subscribers by using the Cloud. Their users can access files on the device in a safe and secure network by restricting permission controls and can offer huge amounts of storage without the maintenance of hard drives or the running costs of a server network.


    Prime Video


    Netflix & Prime Video

    Using Amazon’s AWS cloud technology, Netflix and Prime Video allows their subscribers to choose from a constantly updated library of titles.

    They don’t require downloads or file transfers, it simply streams onto a device.

    This elegant solution benefits more than just movie and tv show streaming providers. Any business that needs to share documents or information with team members or customers can do so by using cloud-based software.




    Fitbit and Gym Wearables

    Fitbit creates watches and wearables that allows the user to monitor heart rate and key health metrics.

    If you count your steps every day then chances are you’re using similar technology. Fitness trackers monitoring heart rate and sleep patterns are worn by millions of adults.

    Cloud computing has made this possible by collecting information from the device and storing it in the cloud.

    The future of healthcare could be found on how innovative companies such as Fitbit use Cloud based computing to gather information and provide insight to the user.


    Why your Field Service Management Software should be Cloud Based

    Field Service businesses are simplifying and digitalising more of their business. They are recognising that almost every aspect of their business can be streamlined and improved by moving operational processes online.

    Cloud based Field Service Management software enables service business owners to empower their team and protect their customers with functionality such as, user access controls and permissions, improved operational visibility of their team’s schedule and quick access to information updated in real time.

    Here’s a list of benefits that moving to Cloud Based Field Service Management Software can bring to your field service business.


    CloudBased Software


    Improve your data mobility

    By their nature Field Service engineers and technicians are on the road, on site and often in remote locations.

    Cloud-based software allows team members to pull data down from the cloud by syncing their device. This means they can access the most up to date information even while on the move.

    Allowing Field Team members to access job information from their tablets or smartphones will mean there’s no risk of using outdated information for decision making.

    They can see the previous service history at a glance and even notes on the client should something be updated at the 11th hour.



    Cloud based software helps improve your First Time Fix Rate

    Using outdated information in the field can result in unnecessary work being carried out and mistakes being made on site. This affects your First Time Fix Rate, costing your customer revenue should the asset have an extended period of downtime and reduces your productivity.

    You can ensure your team is using the most up to date forms and workflows by having them attached to each job when it’s allocated. Your team won’t be using old forms or files on their devices, they will have everything they need on their app.

    Having to repeat a service because of human error can lead to delays in getting your client’s assets operational. Cloud based apps ensure consistency in your team’s work and empowers your field team by giving them everything they need.

    For more on improving your First Time Fix rate click here.



    Greater Customer Engagement

    The Field Service industry is highly competitive and your customer is your top priority. That’s why it’s vitally important to give them the best possible experience.

    You customer is using services from all over different parts of their business and many of those are offered by partners who use cloud based systems to keep them informed.

    Field Service is no different and today it’s expected that your customer is kept in the loop with automated job notifications and a Client Portal to keep them fully up to speed on the progress of their jobs.

    Many of your customers have plenty of their own concerns and they need to know you’ve got their assets covered. When asset management is done well the customer will have total confidence their service partner is aware of what needs to be serviced and when.

    Cloud-based Field Service Management Software helps perpetuate the impression you have all their upcoming services managed by clearly displaying each job status with a Client Portal.



    Win more customers

    It takes more than just cheaper prices and fancy marketing to stand out in Field Service.

    Often you need to bid and tender for work and during that tendering process you may need to show the process you use to manage your  jobs.

    Cloud based Field Service Management Software gives you a chance to stand out and have a competitive edge.

    Once you’ve moved away from antiquated, old-fashioned methods such as paper based forms and spreadsheets you’ll fill the potential customer full of confidence in your ability.

    Cloud based software allows you to use a single, all-in-one platform to store asset and customer details, dispatch jobs to engineers via their app and give the potential customer a Client Portal to check on job progress.

    Field Service Management software powered by cloud technology is the Future of the service industry.

    It’s a safer, faster, stronger and more integrated future.



    Cloud based deployment


    in 2021 Cloud Based Infrastructure spending reached $75 billion

    By 2026, it’s predicated that over 2 thirds of all the infrastructure will be cloud based solutions with a forecasted spend of $133.7 billion.

    Customer relationship management systems, asset management, accounting and communication tools will be mostly managed through cloud systems rather than on-site, user owned systems.

    For 2022, IDC predicts cloud infrastructure spending will grow by 21% compared the 2021, while spending on non-cloud options is expected to decline.



    Tighten up your customer data security by moving it to the cloud

    A data breach can be very costly. It not only hurts your revenue but your reputation.

    The days of losing a laptop or device with sensitive client information are becoming a thing of the past thanks to cloud based computing.

    You can easily avoid uncomfortable and embarrassing conversations by ensuring your job management software system is cloud based.

    Cloud-based systems use more sophisticated tactics to keep the wrong person out of your data by encrypting your device and requiring a login to a centralised location for the data.

    Permission settings can be quickly adjusted so if a device is misplaced, access to your client data can be instantly restricted.

    No awkward conversations. No compensation or potential loss of contract. Work continues and your customers’ data is protected.



    Removes user owned infrastructure dependence

    On-premises hardware and software used to be the standard approach. Field Service businesses would need to ask IT experts to access their use case and come up with a solution. That involved storing the equipment at their expense and required maintenance by either an IT team or contracted support.

    Technology moves at such a pace that modern equipment is quickly replaced by the next new version and keeping up requires significant investment.

    Cloud based Field Service Management Software is managed, maintained and delivered in the cloud. It’s the vendors responsibility to maintain which means the burden of taking care of upgrades or downtime isn’t passed onto the user.





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    Why MDI Medical switched to Cloud-based Job Management Software

    MDI Medical are a well established and respected installer and service partner for Hospitals, Medical Facilities and Clinics.

    They manage the Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) schedules for complex medical devices such as Ultrasound imaging and Diagnostic devices and they needed a more effective way of tracking servicing jobs and produce reports for their customers.

    How they previously managed their jobs

    A few years back they make the leap to Job Management Software. This was a calculated move on their part and was a key to their strategy of growing their business.

    Their software partner was able to provide them with the tools to plan jobs and monitor asset service dates. However, it was missing a key feature that’s fundamental to cloud-based software, the access of real time information.


    Why real-time information is key in asset maintenance

    While they had the basic functionality to streamline their job booking processes, once the jobs had been sent to their engineers that was final.

    If the situation with the client had changed, information on the asset was updated or even the date and time of the service had changed, the engineer was not informed.


    Why MDI Medical switched to Klipboard Cloud based software

    MDI Medical recognised they needed a single source of information, an all-in-one platform that would allow their office team to update records on clients and assets and have that information instantly available for their engineers.

    They chose Klipboard for three key reasons:


    1. Klipboard uses Cloud based technology on our platform and app
    2. They wanted to create impressive, professional reports from the system
    3. Cloud based systems give their engineers up to date information in the field


    “Being able to easily see the job history of equipment means that breakdown trends can be quickly identified” – Hugh Cochrane, MDI Medical.


    MDI Medical understood the need to find the right software partner but also the added benefits of using a system which could produce the output of a report, post service, that is branded, fully detailed and outlines the fantastic work their engineers had completed.

    You can read more on how MDI Medical manage their planned preventative maintenance schedules using Cloud based software here.

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