
Streamline Inventory
Tracking & Management

Effortlessly Revolutionise Your Field Service Business Cash Flow

Tame the complexity of inventory management. Efficiently order stock, exercise precise inventory control, and manage multiple stock locations.

No Credit Card
No Obligation

Simplified Inventory Management

Effortless management of inventory and materials in your field service business.

Have you ever envisioned a system that simplifies real-time inventory tracking and management from anywhere? That system can be a reality with Klipboard. Klipboard's extensive Inventory Management capabilities empower you to establish multiple stock locations, including warehouses, vans, or regional depots. Each location provides real-time stock counts and allows you to set minimum stock thresholds, ensuring you receive alerts and can reorder as needed.

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Real-time insight on stock levels

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Manage inventory and assign to multiple stock locations

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Track inventory allocated to jobs

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Seamless transfer of inventory between locations

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Set minimum stock levels & receive alerts

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Monitor supplier costs and margins

screenshot of Klipboard quotes area with mobile over it showing app

Supplier Purchase Orders

Efficiently Monitor Every Inventory Stock Purchase

Precision is key. Monitor supplier costs and all stock movements, including received items and materials allocated to a job. Raise or associate supplier purchase orders with jobs and automatically update stock upon receipt of purchase orders. Seamlessly sync supplier purchase orders to your accounting software where they are then ready for supplier invoices received and subsequent payment.

screenshot of Klipboard dashboard behind with ipad

Try it for Free

14 Day Trial. No Credit Card. No Obligation.

Klipboard is the future of field service and can improve the way you work regardless of the size of your business. If you manage people in the field and you want to offer your clients a great experience, try our 14-day free trial today.


Ensure Cash flow Security & Maintain Stock Control

Do You Have Preferred Orders And Suppliers?

With Klipboard each stock item can be associated with a preferred supplier ensuring you can quickly and easily order the required stock for a job. If you have quoted already for a job and need to purchase the required stock, Klipboard will be able to identify the preferred supplied for each line item and instantly create the relevant purchase orders for the different suppliers whilst also associating the orders with the relevant quote and job.

Do You Have Constant Supplier Price Updates?

Klipboard enables you to easily update your supplier prices through a bulk update. Simply import your new supplier prices by CSV and we will match items based on Product Code and update the price accordingly.

screenshot of klipboard software inventpry section
construction worker in high vis and hard hat holding ipad
Maintain Accurate Inventory And Forecast Future Stock

Identify in real time which stock items are allocated to jobs and quotes, with our report that displays accurately displays actual and allocated counts. Seamlessly generate purchase orders for restocking from the relevant suppliers.

Determine The Stock Value Across Selected Stock

Our report contains the stock levels for each location that a stock item resides, offering valuable insights on the value of the stock you hold and what is already allocated to jobs.

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