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Technology In The Workplace – How Small Business Are Using It To Their Advantage

  • BusinessTips
  • In order to stay in touch with the rapid expansion of the business world, companies of all sizes have to keep up to speed with technology. Top small businesses have begun to use the likes of social networks, video conferencing and virtual office technology to allow them to expand and target a wider customer base. These functions also enable them to grow to higher levels, and ultimately allow previously limiting factors to be removed. There are several advantages to small businesses using technology in the workplace such as:

    • Improving communication: The use of technology in businesses allows workers to communicate instantly and effectively, not limiting them to phone calls or inter-office mail to interact with one another or their clients. Employees from different departments in a company can use messaging services or video conferencing tools to share and exchange information. Social media channels allow a small company to reach a wide audience and communicate their message in a fast, effective manner. Most companies use various communication technologies to enable their employees interact more effectively, not only within the business but importantly with external clients, speeding up overall business processes.
    • Encouraging innovation and creativity: Employees can utilise business technology to create innovative ideas which can be used for the business’s growth and expansion. It increases the time that can be spent on more creative processes which will ultimately enhance the business. Online promotion through social networks can promote and actively have an impact on the company’s success.
    • Improving efficiency and productivity: Business technology dramatically saves time by speeding up the workflow process. Digital filing systems can save space, paper and printing costs and the use of computer systems reduces the risk of human error and allows for instant corrections. Resources such as electronic files and access to information are available with the click of a button. Utilising technology within the workplace enhances the workers day by increasing allowing for greater efficiency and productivity with a positive effect on the business.

    More and more SMBs are utilising the cloud in recent years and companies with less than 20 employees are more likely to be using the cloud than large companies. The top small businesses have come to realise that embracing mobile also means growth. ‘A growing number of SMBs regard mobile solutions as essential business enablers, with 60% saying mobile solutions are critical to business’ says Laurie McCabe, an analyst with the SMB Group. ‘Mobile solutions also account for a growing share of small business technology budgets when we compare findings over the past four years.’

    Klipboard can help small business achieve the benefits above by simplifying the working day, to enhance not only the employees motivation and productivity but also the company’s efficiency and customer experience. It shortens lengthy administrative and eradicates tedious paper based processes which gives SMBs more time to focus on other elements of their company. To see first hand how Klipboard can achieve this for your business, no matter what size – contact a member of the team for a demo. We look forward to hearing from you!

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