Cash boost for field service businesses who use UK apprenticeship scheme

  • BusinessTips
  • The UK government has launched a scheme to encourage businesses of any size to take on apprentices and those businesses can claim £3,000 for each new apprentice.

    The new apprenticeship scheme hopes to give a boost to the employment market and give young people a path into a new career. Much needed skills and training will be encouraged into all industries and employers who use the scheme will benefit from the cash incentive.

    The finer details:

    • £3,000 for each apprentice
    • Apprentice must be between 16 to 18 years old
    • Or under 25 for those with healthcare, educational or a care plan in their local authority
    • Your apprentice must remain with the business for at least 12 months
    • Businesses can claim on those who joined from 1 April to 30 Sept 2021
    • The incentive payment is in addition to the £1,000 employers already receive for apprenticeships

    To register for the scheme: Click Here

    Skill gap in field service

    Addressing the skill shortages in field service

    According to the Service Council, almost 57% of field service organisations report challenges finding enough talented technicians.

    An aging workforce, retiring baby boomers and the increased skill requirements for many field service roles are all playing their part.

    Customer demands are a key issue, your client’s expectations have risen steadily, especially in competitive markets, it’s causing a lot of field service businesses to rethink their business models.

    That’s a key driver to why many businesses use Klipboard to manage their team and get more clarity over the work that’s being done for their clients. Clients simply won’t wait days for a technician, because the cost of downtime for their assets and equipment is simply too high, plus they have become accustomed to on-demand services such as Uber, Deliveroo and Netflix.

    Without a skilled workforce, field service businesses are at risk of losing valuable clients to their competition.

    Apprentices can ensure a brighter future for field service

    The skill gap will need to be filled and apprentices could be the way to do it. Encouraging young people to pursue a service-driven career, is a lot easier when you can give them first-hand experience and empower them with self-belief.

    Technology is changing the face of field service industries and business owners will need to recruit new skill sets to future proof their businesses. Apprentices could be the ideal solution to bringing in a fresh perspective and new ways of working.

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